If you are graduating from high school, TCC or College of the Muscogee Nation in May or June and you plan to start at TU in the fall, then you should apply as a regular TURC scholar.
Please note that TURC is not available to high school graduates who are not enrolled at TU.
TURC Junior Scholar applicants are required to secure a faculty sponsorship to work on a project.
Who is your Faculty Sponsor?
Faculty Email Address
What is the Title of the TURC Project you are joining?
The exact schedule and expectations for TURC Projects should be worked out between the TURC Junior Scholar and the faculty mentor. It is important that, before beginning research, TURC Junior Scholars and their faculty mentors communicate clearly about students’ time commitments and the TURC Mentors’ expectations of their research work. Have you communicated any restrictions on your time to your TURC Mentor, including part-time jobs and travel plans for the summer? Please summarize those plans here: