2025 Classic Learning Test Request Information Form

    The CLT (Classic Learning Test) is a widely-accepted alternative to the ACT/SAT for 11th and 12th grade students. The University of Tulsa is hosting it remotely (with a 50% discount for high school seniors) on February 20, 2025. The deadline to register for UTulsa's sponsored test is February 13, 2025. Learn more about the CLT Exam at www.cltexam.com.

    Follow these 3 steps to get your free test.

    STEP 1: Register to receive your special CLT code
    Use the form below to let us know that you're interested in taking the CLT.

    Please double check your email address for typos before submission. Please also screenshot your confirmation page once submitted. If, for some reason, you do not receive the discount code via email after submission (check your spam folder!), email your confirmation screenshot to tmiller@cltexam.com to receive your CLT discount code.

    STEP 2: Get your free CLT code
    After you submit the form, you'll be emailed a code you can use to waive the cost of the CLT. If you have any trouble receiving your code, please contact us for assistance.

    STEP 3: Sign up for the February 20 CLT
    Once you have your code, sign up to take the CLT and when prompted, use your code to receive the 50% discount off the test cost. Discount is for high school seniors only.
